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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Cruel Intentions Movie Review - 567 Words

In the film Cruel Intentions, Kathryn Merteuil is portrayed as a manipulative mastermind, who suffers from the addiction of cocaine. She is prideful of herself on destroying the lives of others while having the benefit of meeting her own needs. Kathryn comes from a wealthy family. She portrays herself differently while being in the public eyes; a popular student, a devoted Christian and a student body president at her prestige’s school. She comes off as a lady with moral integrity. However, Sebastian her stepbrother is the only one who sees past Kathryns deception and in fact knows that she’s a troublemaker. Throughout the film Kathryn seem have been suffering from a borderline personality disorder. I believe criterion 1 is met because she believes that she and her brother are two of a kind but realistically they are not. For example, at the beginning of the movie, she and her brother are manipulative and conspire to cruel intentions between seduction and betrayal. They made a bet in which Sebastian will seduce a virgin name Annette and if Sebastian fails to do so, he will lose his most valuable possession, his car. And if he succeeds, he would have the pleasure the pleasure to sleep with Kathryn in whom he has wanted since the day their parents married. Secondly, she can’t seem to have a functional intimate relationship with anyone. As if she only had one purpose for every person she ran across and that would be sex. I believe criterion 2 is met because Kathryn has anShow MoreRelatedDirected By Stephen Frears, Philomena (2013), Depicts A1509 Words   |  7 PagesDirected by Stephen Frears, Philomena (2013), depicts a true story about a young unmarried mother who faces a cruel fate and reality due to a conservative and religious society during the 1950s in Ireland. 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He becomes veryRead MoreHarry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Essay2132 Words   |  9 Pagesthey do on interpreting a novel or story into vision there will always be those that believe you have betrayed the authors intentions such as Thetaggerrung123 who writes, â€Å"It is a terrible thing to see your favorite book being massacred on the big screen† (1). For this particular essay, the adaptation that will be discussed is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Although the movie does stay for the most part true to the book there are still some major differences that did not meet the book’s standardsRead MoreEssay on The Effects of Modern Vampires on Society1980 Words   |  8 Pagesvictim’s house only if he is invited and it is unable to cross water unless carried. Nevertheless, this is not just a simple fiction. It contains the ideas, beliefs and thoughts of the Victorian era and by reading this novel we can get a comprehensive review about what was society like in the late 19th century. For example, it was written and published before the suffragettes, who were the members of women’s organization for right to vote, had taken off during the early-mid 20th century. The novel showsRead MoreAnalysis : You re Not A Skull 2187 Words   |  9 Pagespolitical violence it depicts, but ultimately presents violence – within the favela and within its characters – as something beyond representation, perception, or breakout. THE NATURE OF VIOLENCE Decisively, Nascimento’s narration runs through the movie, guiding us on everything happens. For many critics, this voice-over narration is controversial because audiences are forced to embrace Nascimento’s point of view to see the film prone to the standpoint of BOPE; however, for those who agree with directorRead MoreMan vs. Nature in Princess Mononoke Essay3249 Words   |  13 PagesConversely, the film receives positive reviews. According to several critical reviews, this animated film is one of the best anime that is ever to have been drawn by the director Hayao Miyazaki. The article â€Å"Between the Worlds: Liminality and Self-Sacrifice† by Christine Hoff Kraemer provides a description that the protagonist in the story, Ashitaka â€Å"play[s] the Christ-like roles of mediator, martyr, and finally, savior,† in which is a positive response for a movie, since the character is basically beingRead MoreBraveheart: the Worst Film for Best Picture3877 Wor ds   |  16 PagesThesis Mel Gibson’s Braveheart is routinely named in polls of film critics as the worst movie ever to have won the Academy Award for best picture, and it is easy to see why. The acting in the film ranges from the blandly unmemorable to the mortifying. Negligible as Scottish history, but it is undeniably a political film. Gibson clearly did not intend to venture into a political debate—the film is structurally and visually standard Hollywood fare, a costume drama of the sort normally consideredRead More The Naive Protagonists of Candide and Forrest Gump Essay example3382 Words   |  14 Pagesspecific examples to illustrate his idea concerning the contemporary corruption of the time. It is a grinning critique of the 18th centurys excesses and cruelties (Kanfer 1). With Candide, Voltaire tried to show the world just how unjust and cruel it was. He specifically focused on the ignorance of the nobilitys pride, corruption seen in religion, corruption of the government, corr uption of morals, and the flaw in complacent optimism. Voltaire takes Candide through all of these forms ofRead MoreLa Ultima Cena5991 Words   |  24 Pagesthe ignorance of the human race. The movie, The Last Supper, by Tomas Gutierrez Alea depicts the interaction and relationships of the denizens of a sugar plantation in Cuba during the eighteen hundreds. All from the Count to the overseer and slaves had ways of interacting with one another, which was mostly decided on their race and social status. The movie deals with various topics that defined that era in time and there are many reoccurring themes in the movie that can be seen in other periods ofRead MoreMasculinity in Chuck Palahniuks Work7062 Words   |  29 Pagesmore so than any other Palahniuk themes. It is very apparent that masculinity has changed as a natural progression of modernisation. This dissertation will analyse masculinity as it is depicted in Palahniuk’s writings and explore Palahniuk’s intentions and beliefs. I will interpret the responses of select critics in order to gain some understanding of what Palahniuk deems to be the ideal model of masculinity in the modern world, beneath his post-modern twists, transgressive characterization and

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Movie Crash And Social Issues - 1638 Words

The Movie Crash is valuable in learning about social issues because it points out things that we may tend to ignore in everyday life. It also brings light to things that we may do, but not necessarily consciously realize. Another benefit of this movie portraying social issues like racism is that it helps us think about ourselves as a person and we can analyze ourselves in our way of thinking and our actions. Using a movie in class is also beneficial because it breaks up the traditional classroom activities. It helps student be a little more involved and interested in the topic. It also helps extend learning beyond just the textbook and classroom lectures and activities. Although using movies can make students more involved and interested†¦show more content†¦I do believe the film was accurate in the slang terms and racist comments that it used. I believe although the movie leaned towards being over dramatic that it was really well portrayed with the scenarios that it used th roughout the movie and how it all ties back together. I think it led very well to the overall big picture that they were trying to convey to the audience. The film examines systemic and institutional racism in the police station when Hansen talks to his superior officer about switching partners; his superior, Lieutenant Dixon, is a black officer and says that reporting Officer Tom Hansen as a racist could cost all of them their jobs, especially in the LAPD. Dixon suggests transferring to a one-man car and mockingly suggests Hansen explain his request by claiming to have â€Å"uncontrollable flatulence† rather than say his partner is racist. We also see instances of where racism is not race against race, it also portrays race against gender and race against class as two major forms of racism conflict in the movie. The degree of connection between all of the characters in the movie is so coincidental and interrelated to emphasize the point that we do not always know what is going on with everyone else we may encounter. It also accentuates the fact that racism is not one particular race against another. It also shows that we never know someone’s situation and what is happening in their life to make them act the way that they do ifShow MoreRelatedEssay on Sociological Concept of Crash1145 Words   |  5 PagesThe Sociological Concept of Crash Sociology is the systemic study of human society and social interaction. Sociologists study human societies and their social interactions in order to develop theories of how human behavior is shaped by group life and how, in turn, group life is affected by individuals (Kendall, 4). The movie Crash (Haggis, 2005), is full of many sociological issues, such as race, social class, and gender. Crash makes you see how group life is affected by individuals andRead MoreThe Opening Line Of The Movie Crash Essay1734 Words   |  7 Pages nobody touches you. We’re always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something.† This quote, spoken by Don Cheadle, is the opening line of the movie Crash. Not only does this powerful line tell the viewers where the movie is taking place, but it also gives them a brief overview of what to expect from the movie. As citizens of this country, we are aware of the melting-pot that the United States has come to be. In largeRead MoreCrash1243 Words   |  5 PagesCrash Movie Analysis Anjelica McCartney HUM/150 January 18, 2016 Victor Armenta Crash Movie Analysis Discrimination, racism, classism, prejudice and more plague today’s society. These horrible issues do not affect one race, sexes, class, ethnicity, or age group; these issues affect all races, both genders, all ethnicities, and all age groups. For this film analysis, I have chosen to discuss the racism portrayed throughout a three-time Oscar award winning movie called Crash. Summary PaulRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash 1055 Words   |  5 Pages1108 23 November 2015 Movie Analysis Although the movie Crash aired in 2004, the movie does a phenomenal job at depicting social conflicts that are still evident in 2015. Crash, also deals with wide range of controversies and offers multiple narratives. And since narrative is always a two-way street, the movie does a great job of showing two perspectives of everything. More specifically, it challenges our ethical and moral beliefs in a sense that many of the scenes in the movie reside in the grey areaRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Crash 963 Words   |  4 Pagesindividual, for instance the way they perceive others and also the way they perceive themselves. Paul Haggis’s movie â€Å"Crash† conceptualize on this idea and interpret it in an in entirely different way; so that we can see that there are reasons and motives to why our society is separated this type of way. The movie is full of many sociological issues, such as gender, race, and social class. The movie is centralize around racism, and wants to g ive its own interpretation on racism, the reasons why it happensRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash By Paul Haggis Essay1305 Words   |  6 Pages The movie I chose to discuss for this paper is Crash by Paul Haggis. Once given the list of movies to watch my girlfriend suggested we match this movie because you see a lot of racism in it. Being in a rough time in the world right now social issues come close to me so I must watch it. In the movie there are a lot of scenes that connect to social issues that plague this world currently and many things I learned in class. I will attempt to bring each scene to a connection to social issue or thingsRead MoreRacism in Crash Essay1723 Words   |  7 PagesCharacteristics and racial differences are distinguishing traits that keep people in our world apart from each other. Crash is a movie that showcases prejudice and racial stereotypes. The movie is set in Los Angeles which is a city with the cultural mix of almost every ethnicity. Crash is a p erfect analogy of how the different people intersect with others in society. The movie crash shows differences between the lives of different people. It displays the interactions of several multiethnic groupsRead More Stereotypes and Diversity in the Movie, Crash Essay1200 Words   |  5 PagesStereotyping is a major issue in the world today, however, mostly in the United States. It is known as fixed impressions, exaggerated or preconceived ideas about particular social groups, usually based solely on physical appearance (The New York Company). Crash is a great example because it shows others stereotyping individuals in many ways. According to Schingel, it is the perfect analogy of how we as a human race deal with life, people and our own experiences. The movie, released in 2005, showsRead MoreRacism, Is There A Cure? Essay1626 Words   |  7 PagesA CURE? Karen Harberson PADM 313 October 23, 2015 I decided to use two chapters from our text book, City Lights – Urban-Suburban Life in The Global Society: Chapter 6 the Ties That bind and Chapter 10 Identity Crisis along with the Movie â€Å"Crash† and â€Å"Crazy Beautiful† and with the book â€Å"Nickel and Dimed†. The purpose is to identify the conflicts whether it be a racial, ethnic, or gender occurrence, and how they form a sense of collective identity about themselves and about the other personRead MoreThe Film Crash By Paul Haggis992 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many social issues that plague our society and many of these problems are closely related to social class and race. Some of these issues include prejudice, individual discrimination, institutional discrimination, relative poverty, absolute poverty, and social class. Much of this is touched upon in Paul Haggis’ 2004 film Crash that even over a decade after its release the social issues brought up in the film still apply. The film Crash depicts many scenes of discrimination that all apply

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Is an Alien free essay sample

when I was four years old, my brother and I were searching for my birthmark. My sister had an obvious brown spot on her leg, my brothers was somewhere on his back, but mine was not so prominent. Being three years older and so much wiser, my brother told me that only aliens dont have birthmarks. At first I was offended; then it occurred to me that if I was an alien, I wasnt actually related to my brother a thought that pleased my young mind. He would also constantly remind me of how different I looked from the rest of my Italian-looking family. Everyone had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and easily tanned skin, while I had blondish hair, green eyes, and skin that burned before darkening slightly. This led to another of his brilliant conclusions: I was adopted. I grinned at another reason to believe that I was not related to this annoying boy. We will write a custom essay sample on Is an Alien or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Other family members also commented on how light I was and how much I looked like my fathers mother. Instead of feeling left out, I embraced my differences, even as a four-year-old. When I was older and people would say my hair was brown, I would yell that my hair was dirty blonde. By third grade, I was determined to stay different from not just my family, but everyone else as well. Not that I would alienate myself I had plenty of friends. But if a new trend started, I would still wear my favorite old t-shirts; if everyone had bowling parties, I would rent out the skating rink; when the girls cut their hair, I grew mine out. My love for being different has not changed. While my fellow classmates party, I invite a friend over to watch a movie. When the girls in my classes bought Ugg boots, I bought black and pink sneakers. At a recent dance party, most girls wore leggings or blue jeans, while I threw on a pair of blue and yellow striped denim pants. Some differences arent even purposeful; my choices are just naturally nonconforming. I dont want to be the life of the party, but I would just rather not fit in. I contribute much of this love of individuality and imperfections to my brother. Without his attempts at teasing me, I never would have realized how much more fun it is to be different.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thomas Jefferson Political Compromiser Essays - United States

\"Thomas Jefferson: Political Compromiser\" Morton Borden AP United States History 10/10/17 Morton Borden, \"Thomas Jefferson, Political Compromiser\" America's Eleven Greatest Presidents ed. 2 nd ed., Chicago: Rand McNally and Company, pp. 174-181 After the Constitution was signed, George Washington's leadership helped guide the newly formed United States through the 1790s. When his presidency ended, two factions began to form: the Federalists, led by John Adams and Alexander Hamilton, and the Democratic-Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. When Jefferson was elected in 1800, the Federalists feared that all the gains that the government had made when Washington and Adams were president were going to be washed away by Jefferson. Jefferson did change some laws to better fit, including erasing the public debt and reducing internal taxes. However, Jefferson saw that he needed to keep some federalist ideas in order to effectively run the country. Thomas Jefferson reaching across the partisan aisle during his time as president to forward the progress of the United States, while also incorporating his own party's ideas, allowed the country to begin their new stage of government under the Constitution, Thomas Jefferson incorporated some of his own party's ideas when he was elected president, and in doing so scared the Federalists who had built the country the way it was for the past 12 years. In 1800, when Jefferson was elected, the Federalists saw Jefferson as the man who would undo all the work they had done since the constitution was ratified in 1789. He was, \"honestly feared, by almost all Federalists.\" (174), which means that the Federalists were unsure if the policies that they made were going to be saved by Jefferson. This includes the power between the national government and state governments and the financial system created by Federalist leader Alexander Hamilton. These Federalist fears caused even more animosity between the two parties, and when Jefferson and Burr, both members of the Democratic-Republican party, tied in the 1800 presidential election, the vote in the House of Representatives kept resulting in a tie. This was because there were exactly the same amou nt of Federalists and Democratic-Republicans in the House, and all the Federalists kept voting for Burr, simply for the fact that he wasn't Jefferson. The Federalists could not accept Jefferson at all. Despite these tensions, Jefferson's inauguration speech spoke of a different tone, with him saying that \"We are all republicans-we are all federalists.\" (175). This speech was greeted with surprise and confusion. It was clear to everyone that he was trying to heal the wounds made between the two parties. However, some Federalists still distrusted Jefferson, due to the attacks made by both sides before the election. Jefferson did include a lot of the Democratic-Republican's ideology in his agenda. This included letting the Alien and Sedition Act lapse, which was a benefit for the Federalists, given that French immigrants could not vote for president. There was also reducing or even abolishing internal taxes, which would limit the amount of funds for the government: \"Frugality and ec onomy were emphasized to the extreme.\" (176). Another impact made by Jefferson was the scaling down of both the Army and the Navy. The Federalists disagreed with every single act that Jefferson made that favored his own ideology. The Federalists saw the scaling back of the military as extreme and potentially dangerous, with their vulnerability of invasion and constant European war. They also disagreed with the reduction of taxes, which would make them more reliant on tariffs, which are known to be unpredictable. Most important to the federalists, the payment of the public debt would reduce the national government's power over the states. This disagreement in Jefferson's decisions show that he was still willing to put his and his party's agenda over keeping the Federalists happy. Despite changing a significant amount of the government structure, Thomas Jefferson still sought to compromise with the federalists and his time as president showed his transformation from a radical natural law philosopher to the adoption of some federalist techniques. One of these examples are the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. This purchase would double the size of the United States, and would help the United States increase their power and influence. However,

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Red My Secret Favorite Color Essay Example

Red My Secret Favorite Color Essay Example Red My Secret Favorite Color Essay Red My Secret Favorite Color Essay Red my secret favorite color Red is my favourite colour secret favourite colour. Why I like red has always been a mystery, and well, even I cared less to sit and think why red? Everyone has their own favourite colour (although I never understood how we decide our favourite colour. I think there must be a gene in our very complicated human body for that too) and so do I, but mine is secret! I don’t tell anyone about my choice of colour, the mere reason being – it is not supposed to be a boys’ colour. I really fail to understand who decided, and moreover how did they decide that blue is the shade for boys and pink for girls? 6 I mean, how can someone else decide what is my favorite colour? If I want my room to be painted red and black, why does everyone else say that it should be blue instead? The world is, like our human body, very complicated! The only problem in me as a young boy has been anger. Anger more than the word actually means! I still very clearly remember getting a score of 113 out of 150 in a â€Å"Magnitude of anger in You† test when the class average was just 58! So, that makes it very clear. Why I am talking about my anger is because I relate this to my favourite colour red. Red is usually used to symbolize anger, violence and aggression. So it may be my choice of colour red that attracts anger in me, or it may be completely the opposite – anger in me being the reason for my liking towards red. Whatever it may be, I still love red. What else does red symbolize? Blood! Blood really fascinates me, well not when it is pouring out of my own knee! But generally, I like blood; perhaps it started when I used to see blood every night. That does not mean I am a Dracula; it was actually my dad’s tiny drop of blood that was forced out of his finger every days to check his sugar level. I used to get excited about that ‘dark red liquid’ and hold the machine at a distance from his finger and tell him to aim that drop of blood onto the white strip of that machine, but then mum would give me those looks so I knew I was supposed to get the machine closer to his finger. Since then I like the dark shade of red that blood possesses. It was this fascination towards blood that incited me to go and watch Twilight! Poor fellows the other boys who told me it’s a girly movie and I shouldn’t be watching it obviously didn’t know that I saw it not for Edward Cullen or for that matter even Bella. I was going to see blood (although I was quite disappointed at the very limited ‘screening’ of blood in the movie). And how would they know anyway, after all they didn’t know about my secret favourite colour? Whenever I think of the colour red, one thing that is very prominent in my thoughts is my dad’s red tie. Aah! I have never wanted anything more than that in my life. And I envy him so much, not just for possessing one, but for the fact that he doesn’t let me wear it! Only once had I got the honor of having it around my neck – during the Model United Nations, when I had literally pleaded my dad and convinced him that I will keep it very safely. I walked with my head up in the air throughout the day. I wish he saw my love for that red tie and gave it to me more often. Strangely enough, I can say I sometimes hate red too. I hate it when I see lots of it in the rear lights and I know I’m stuck in a traffic jam late at night; I hate it when I am late to school, and the last traffic light goes red, just when I’m almost there; and I completely hate it when I am almost done programming my java applet and then a sign appears in red – â€Å"Error†. But whatever it may be, red continues to attract me. I don’t how or why, but red seems to give me strength, it gives me passion, shows me my aim. I wear red, I feel confident. I think of my future, I see that red dot in the centre of the dartboard my aim and the difficulties I have to face to reach there. Red is not just a colour to me, it’s much more – it’s my secret favourite colour.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Get Copies of Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates

Get Copies of Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates Vital records- birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, and divorce decrees- are one of the best resources to help build a family tree.  Once you determine the state where the birth, death, marriage or divorce occurred, select the state from the list below to learn how to get a certified copy of the vital record or where to find free vital records online.   Where to Find U.S. Vital Records A AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansas C CaliforniaCanal ZoneColoradoConnecticut D DelawareDistrict of Columbia F Florida G Georgia H Hawaii I IdahoIllinoisIndianaIowa K KansasKentucky L Louisianna M MaineMarylandMassachusettesMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontana N NebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNew York CityNorth CarolinaNorth Dakota O OhioOklahomaOregon P PennsylvaniaPuerto Rico R Rhode Island S South CarolinaSouth Dakota T TennesseTexas U Utah V VermontVirginiaVirgin Islands W WashingtonWest VirginaWisconsinWyoming Vital records  are one of the best resources for helping you to build your family tree due to their: Completeness- Vital records usually cover a large percentage of the population and include a wide variety of information for linking families.Reliability- Because they are usually created close to the time of the event by someone with personal knowledge of the facts and because most governments have measures in place to try and ensure their accuracy, vital records are a fairly reliable form of genealogical information.Availability- Since they are official documents,  governments have made an effort to preserve vital records with newer records being found in local government offices and older records residing in a variety of record repositories and archives. Why Vital Records May Not Be  Available In the United States, the responsibility for registering vital events is left to the individual states.  Many states, however, did not require birth, death or marriage records to be registered until late into the 1800s, and in some cases not until the early to mid-1900s. While some New England states kept town and county records as early as the 1600s, other states such as Pennsylvania and South Carolina didnt require birth registration until 1906 and 1913, respectively.  Even after registration was required by law, not all  births, marriages and deaths were reported- the  compliance rate may have been as low as 50-60% in earlier years, depending upon the time and place. People living in rural areas often found it an inconvenience to take a day from work to travel many miles to the local registrar. Some people were suspicious of the governments reasons for wanting such information and simply refused to register. Others may have registered the birth of one child, but not others . Registration of births, marriages,  and deaths is much more accepted today, however, with current rates of registration closer to 90-95%. Marriage records, unlike birth and death records, can also usually be found at the county level, and are often available from the date the county was organized (going back into the 1700s in some instances). In some areas, marriage records may also be found at the town level (e.g. New England), the city level (e.g. NYC) or the parish level (e.g. Louisiana).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Grades inflation in colleges in the USA Research Paper

Grades inflation in colleges in the USA - Research Paper Example The concept of evaluation promotes retention and promotion of lecturers and professors. In this regard, lecturers are usually compelled to please their students Colleges have also shifted more focus towards enrollment in order to meet their budgets. This has been successfully undertaken by awarding higher grades to students in order to create a positive image among people intending to join colleges This issue has been investigated by various governmental and non-governmental organizations. Harvard University is one of the institutions that have pioneered this investigation. It is learning institution that has been affected by this issue thus its results are more credible The institution has also made a suggestion that entails introduction of a grading policy where a student is graded alongside the average grade of that course. In other addition, facilitating proper marking and awarding of grades among lecturers and professors is also another solution that has been proposed. The first suggestion may not be quite effective owing to the fact that it would not necessarily depict lower level of standards. On the other hand, comparison of a student’s performance may also not be accurate, especially when the rest of the class is wrong Provision of quality education is pertinent in any society that aspires to succeed academically. Grade inflation is a challenge in the current education system majorly due to confusions ascribed to it. It does not only affect colleges in the United States, but also in other parts of the world. Undertaking this research is crucial as it facilitates identification of causes of grade inflation as well as probable solutions The research shall focus of grade inflation in colleges in the United States. It shall explore issues associated with it such as: Causes, effects and solutions that have been suggested by Harvard University to reduce grade

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Unit 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 5 - Assignment Example This finding is practically true as certain diverse populations show a high level of racial and color tolerance in their civic engagements (Michael). Putman’s report states that diversity may make a group in a community uncomfortable. This discomfort produces deleterious effects such as heightening racial discrimination in the particular community. Beneficial effects include economical, political, and social competition that leads to economical growth. However, the negative effects of diversity are avoidable, especially by the reduction of cases of ethnic and racial intolerance. Social capital thus, leads to harmonious living in diverse communities as people get to appreciate their social ties and more objectively, their political engagements. In cases of social capital depression in a more diverse community, the impacts of ethnic diversity become worse and the population tends to â€Å"hunker down† in the communal issues (Michael). This leads to effects such as greater income rates, higher crime rates and more mobility among the members of the population. These effects lead to both political and social instability in the diverse setting and interfere with the normal living of the residents. Scott Page, The University of Michigan Political Analyst, asserts that the contradicting positive and negative effects of diversity can be contained in a community up-to a definite limit. This is substantially applicable as, for instance, a decline in civil understanding would generate to a hostile community, in which the deleterious effects of diversity would be more prevalent. This therefore, heightens the need to formulate guidelines on controlling the effects of diversity and make it more valuable to the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Simple picture Essay Example for Free

Simple picture Essay I believe Art is something that can not truly be defined. Art might be thought of as just a simple picture to hang on the wall. However, Art can be many different things and mean many different things to one. My personal definition of Art would be anything created by someone. Art can include a huge variety of different things. Art can be paintings, sculptures, photographs, drawings, illustrations, architecture, furniture, music, poetry. I also feel that choreography could be considered an art form. One of my favorite types of Art is crafts. Not everyone might see crafting as Art but it is something created by a person. I love crafting because it is a form of Art that any age can do from a baby to an elderly person who might not be in their best state. Crafting could include clothing design, shoe design, crocheting and knitting, among others. There are even things we use every day that we would not think of as Art that often started out as Art. Like silver ware or an office machine, most things start out on paper. Art is something that can be interpreted in so many different ways and as you can see there are so many different things that can be thought of as Art. The way art looks, feels, and the ideas it brings to mind all three go together. rt can be a very therapeutic way to deal with emotions people may not be able to express any other way. I think any work that touches us on an emotional level – brings us joy or anger, tears or laughter – is art. Whenever I find a piece of art interesting all three of the factors usually come into play. Those three qualities are crucial for me. Obviously if you can not see the art how are you going to know how it makes you feel, if you it does not bring anything to your mind then how do you know how it makes you feel. What is in the art, the content, is what it all goes back to and what everything is based on. Artists can take anything and put their own twist on it and call it Art. When it comes down to it, everyone has their own opinion of what a piece of Art means to them but only the artist knows the truth behind the work. All in all, art is everywhere one just has to have their eyes open, get in touch with their feelings, and enjoy it.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Business Trip Encounter with SARS :: Personal Narrative China Travel Essays

Encounter of the Worse Kind My scheduled flight to Hong Kong was delayed because of a conference meeting that ran over in New York. I rescheduled for the following week on Tuesday, February 21, 2003. I arrived in Hong Kong and met my business contact and headed off to the conference at the Metropole Hotel. Something seems odd here, unlike my trips before. There are people with masks on everywhere. I asked my business contact what was going on. He said there was some kind of flu going around. I have never seen so many people with masks on before. In the U.S. people rarely put on masks even if they have the flu. He also said that a lot of people are sick and some have died from it. It seems odd that people would die from catching the flu; I mean nowadays who dies from getting the flu. We finally arrived at the conference and I met my clients. Most of the clients seemed sick but were determined to finalize the deal. Some of them were coughing and some had sore throats. I was afraid I would get sick from being too close to them and I tried to take precautions by taking cough drops and Tylenol when I felt I was coming down with the flu. I was glad when the meeting was over. The contract took two days to iron out all the details. Since the meeting went well I decided to stay in Hong Kong for a little longer. I needed a break from work and wanted to go sight seeing. I have been to Hong Kong a couple of times but never had the chance to see the countryside. The following morning when I woke up I started to cough and was running a fever. I was probably infected from the close contact of the sick clients. So I decided to stay in and rest for a while. I was sleepy and couldn't get up from my bed. The next day it got worse. I had a sore throat and had muscle pain. I've never been this sick before and I thought to myself that it was due to getting older and my immune system not being up to par. I have been very busy lately and my stress level has been up more than usual.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Homelessness in Sacramento

Social class in society, those who fall in the underclass are referred to as the poor. They typically live in areas with high rates of poverty and few opportunities to Improve their lives. But what about those who have less than the lower class. There Is d rising population of people who have lost everything and therefore must take shelter In the local parks, abandoned buildings, overpasses, and any other form of protecuon against the elements (Schutt, 201 1 | Homelessness Is a social problem affecting our nauon, which can only continue to grow If society does not make a hange.Eltzen, Zinn, and smith (2011) define a social problem as Inducing material or psychic suffering for certain segments of the population; there are sociocultural phenomena that preventa significant number of societal participants from developing and using their full potential; and there are discrepancies between what a country such as the united states Is supposed to stand for (equality and and democracy) and th e actual living conditions In which many ot its people live (PS). The population ot those who are homeless is difficult to specifically identity.Many are otten huddled in small areas and do not travel tar trom a location, but others may travel trom region to region causing the numbers to be skewed. Sacramento, Calitornia has many local and nationally run organizations and businesses dedicated to assisting those who have fallen on hard times. One organization particularly has provided many opportunities to not only provide assistance to the local homeless population, but also worked with local and statewide policy makers to reduce the rates of homelessness in the region. Sacramento Steps Forward (SSF) is more than just a food bank.Providing both temporary and permanent housing for adults and families with children, providing access to employee training, and also advocating for community support are some of the services they do (SacramentoStepsForward, 2013). Sacramento Steps Forward also monitors and evaluates the services provided to those in need in order to ensure the diverse needs of Individuals experiencing homelessness are met _ They have created the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) which Is an electronic database used to store characteristic service needs Information of Individuals experiencing homelessness.Each year Sacramento Steps Forward conducts a Point- In-Time count of individuals on the streets in order to determine the number of homeless In the Sacramento region (SacramentostepsForward, 2013). The staff and volunteers take to the streets for one night throughout the Sacramento region to talk to Individuals experiencing homelessness In an effort to gather demographic and living condltlon data. using HMIS will help us to provide an accurate and more consistent representation of our regions homeless population.According to the ssF website, â€Å"overall, homelessness In our (Sacramento) region Is on the decline. However, we have seen a staggenng 41. 5% Increase In one population-tamlly homelessness. † The youth and young adults ages 14-24 make up nearly ot the total population experiencing homelessness in the Sacramento area (SSF, 2013). negative perception that follows the stigmas associated with being homeless can lead to social rejection for many individuals.When we look at people who are still in their teenage years, and are not fully developed mentally, these stigmas can lead the individual to follow the person-blame approach. The homeless are to be blamed for heir own living conditions because if they were to Just get a Job, then they would not be where they are. People are generally afraid of what they do not know. The economic elite and powerful who live in the upper class are not exposed to people who are homeless as often as those who belong to the lower-class of structured societies.It is easy for people who belong to the economic elite to look down on those who are homeless as view them as infe rior. Since the effects of homelessness may only catch their attention when they are driving on their way into work and see a man on the corner with a cardboard sign. Those in the upper class are less likely to be as tolerable towards these individuals. There opinions would lean on the side of the person-blame approach of attribution.When we consider that the majority of Americans live in the lower and middle class levels of society, the likelihood of acceptance for those who are homeless can be greater since they have more exposure in their communities to the homeless population. Individual interpretations suggest that homelessness is the result of personal deficiencies, such as substance abuse and social disaffiliation, whereas structural interpretations uggest that it is the result of systemic factors, such as lack of affordable housing and employment opportunities (Cronely, 2010).The lower class beliefs of homelessness can be directed towards the system-blame approach, feeling t hat the individuals are where they are as a result of a flaw in society. People who consider homelessness a structural problem are more likely to favor government action than those believing in individualistic causes (Lee, Lewis, & Jones, 1992). When analyzing homelessness, we can also use the sociological imagination. C Wright Mills describes the sociological magination as awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society (Eitzen, Zinn, & Smith, 2011, p. ). The sociological imagination allows us to look beyond our limited experiences and knowledge in order to see the world and it's people how they really are. Few people are willing to try to understand what the lives are like for individuals who are homeless. The people who are willing and able to help are limited in the resources available to them. Food banks are open and supported to provide a meal for the individuals and families that are homeless, but ewer Job assistance and training programs are availab le.The homeless will be kept alive with minimal meals, but little else is available to assist in the change of their conditions. Food banks serve a valuable purpose in keeping those in need alive, Society is only sustaining them by giving a little when what they truly need is teaching, coaching, and counseling on how to become a contributing member to society, and not someone tagged with a social stigma or considered deviant. One way to remedy the problem is reduce the economic inequality that exists in society.The tax breaks for the powerful which do not get redistributed to state funding are hindering the full potential that organizations like Sacramento Steps Forward are truly capable of achieving. By challenging the current social order and demanding the redistribution of wealth from the elite to the lower classes is one way to ease the homelessness is to offer and provide more counseling to those who may have a mental disorder and/or a drug problem. The longer that a stigma of deviant, loser, hopeless, and homeless are attached to an individual, the less self-confident that erson may become.Being treated like an animal that do not deserve to belong toa society can do mental and emotional damage that could leave damage that a trained professional may be required to assist that person. Experiences of homelessness negatively affect people's sense of identity to destructive proportions. Experiences of homelessness may have profound effects upon people's sense of identity both personally and socially (Williams ; Stickley, 2011). Homelessness is a social problem affecting our nation, which can only continue to grow if society does not make a change.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

For Colored Girls Essay

The movie for colored girls was made based on the novel which is also entitled for colored girls by Ntozake Shange, the movie express the struggles and obstacles that African America women face throughout their life. The movie reveals seven women who are brought together through their own troubles. The movie deals with love, abandonment, rape, and abortions; at the end of the film all seven women come together evoking the power of women hood amongst black African American females. â€Å"Being alive and being a woman is all I got, but being colored is a metaphysical dilemma I haven’t conquered yet! â€Å" -Tangie (a colored girl) The quote that stuck out to me the most was Tangies, (Stated above) the reason why was because a lot of women can relate to not understanding their race. African American women can also feel as though everything about the world in regards to African Americans including theories can be questioned for examples statics state when given by a person in general that. African American women as well as Hispanic women are likely to be considered a single parent rather than a Caucasian. The truth is that a Caucasian is more likely to be a single considered parent thanks Hispanics and African Americans. This truth was specified in my psychology 101 class. It was stated through conversation of stereotyping Tangie (The one who stated) the quote. Her character was a woman who seeked love from different men every night being a bartender at a local hotel. Her character made people view her for what she is and not who she was considered to be. As a young girl my mother’s use to tell my brothers and I to make people treat us as an equal, because we are Kings and Queens. As a child I didn’t understand, now as young women I understand. I am very proud of my color skin as well as the fact of being considered an African American female. The whole ideal about this movie is letting the African American culture know that in order to be accepted we have to accept ourselves first. The movie reveals how strong African American women are, just like they were back when slavery existed. A lot of black women are more successful nowadays. African American women make more money, drive nice cars, and own homes. In the past African Americans women weren’t considered equal as well as men. During slavery women were used (African American women) they worked alongside men in the fields and when finished women would go home do cooking, cleaning, and washing. Being often ignored black women were considered none important, especially not being able to read and write. In the movie it shows how women of the African American race strive for greatness. If it was paid any mind it was the black woman that taught us how to cook and season our food. It was the black woman that taught you how to raise your children. It was black women who were breast feeding and raising your babies during slavery. It is the black woman that had to endure watching their fathers, husbands, and children beaten, killed, and thrown in jail. Black women were born with two strikes against them: being black and being a woman. Through all this, still they rise! It is because of the black women’s strength, elegance, power, love and beauty that bring them together not just the outer beauty that captivates people, but more so what they signify. It is not the fact that they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and shades that people pay attention to. Their inner beauty is what most find appealing, especially in the movie each colored girl stood for something without even realizing it. Their strong spirit, loving and nurturing souls, their integrity, their ability to overcome great obstacles, their willingness to stand for what they believe in, and their determination to succeed and reach their highest potential while enduring great pain and suffering is why this movie captured my attention.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Justification for the Victorian Desalination Project

The Justification for the Victorian Desalination Project Introduction In June 2007, the Victorian Government released the State’s next stage water plan that was christened ‘Our water, our future’.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Justification for the Victorian Desalination Project specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One strategy formulated is premised on the need to construct and operate a $3.1 billion desalination plan under a Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement1, with Powlett River located at Wonthaggi being identified as the preferred site for the desalination plant. This research aims to evaluate the justification for the project. Economic Justification Employment is an aspect that ensures continuity of any society in a stable way. Economic statistics retrieved from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2006) indicate that Wonthaggi District has an employment rate of 50.4% and when compared to larger Victorian region, unemployment in this district is estimated to be high2. Employed people on the project will have a secure income that will enable them to meet their social, economic, and environmental needs. Further, the area is going to be a fertile ground for entrepreneurship activities and this will promote self-employment, as more people will venture in trade activities, sustainable agriculture, and real estate development. Therefore, Victorian Desalination Project is perceived to be viable in ensuring economic benefits, and development of the region is realized3. Social Justification Social security is the ultimate goal for sustainability of any given society. It has been noted that Melbourne region and specifically the Wonthaggi area and Bass Coast Shire area have limited social infrastructures. Outlined in its development plan, initiation of the project in the area is likely to result in upgrade of roads in the area ($12 million allocated); water supply is going to improve with proposed â€Å"$5 million pipelin e connecting Wonthaggi, Inverloch and Cape Patterson to the desalination plant â€Å"4.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The project is further going to ensure provision of educational, interpretive facilities recreational and cultural assets. Social justification for the project can therefore base on assumption that, once the project starts operating, there is going to be: increased visitation to community activities and events, greater social interaction, and diversity and increased investment in social and commercial services in the area5. Environmental Justification Safe environments promote health well-being of an area and enable realization of other set goals in social-economic sphere. With the project, it is mandatory that there will be adoption of comprehensive environment policy framework that will enable the region to realize a completely coordinated pre servation and protection of both terrestrial and marine environments of the area. Environmental justification for the project can be attached to the role the project will play in terms of: management of saline concentration; protection of biodiversity and preservation of native vegetation; efficient use of resources and minimizing resource use through recovery maximization and recycling; and protecting air quality. Conclusion Economic, social, and environmental activities in Melbourne have been affected by long periods of drought. Nevertheless, with proposed Victorian Desalination Project, all indication point to an improvement and development of the area. It is recommended that all stakeholders involved in the project should ensure there is thorough economic, social and environmental assessment of the project to ensure negative impacts are minimized and net community benefit of the project are maximized. Bibliography AquaSure. Victorian Desalination Project: Local benefits and init iatives, 2010. Web. Bass Coast. Community Profile: Wonthaggi District. ID Consultancy PTY Ltd, 2007. Web.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Justification for the Victorian Desalination Project specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Capital Projects and Department of Treasure and Finance. Victorian Desalination Project: Partnerships Victoria Project Summary, Capital Projects Division, 2009. [Attached notes]. Mitchell, K, et al, Environmental Effects Act 1978: Victorian Desalination Project Environment Effects Statement, Ministry of Planning, 2008. [Attached notes]. Footnotes 1 Capital Projects and Department of Treasure and Finance, Victorian Desalination Project: Partnerships Victoria Project Summary (Capital Projects Division, 2009) p 4. 2 Bass Coast, Community Profile: Wonthaggi District (2007) p.1. 3 K Mitchell, N Wimbush, C Harty, G Lampe and G Sharpley, Environmental Effects Act 1978: Victorian Desalination Projec t Environment Effects Statement, Ministry of Planning, 2008, p 67. 4 AquaSure, Victorian Desalination Project: Local benefits and initiatives (2010) p.1. 5 K Mitchell, N Wimbush, C Harty, G Lampe and G Sharpley, ibid, p 218.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

4 Tips for Writing Perfect USC Essays

4 Tips for Writing Perfect USC Essays SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips So you have your heart set on going to the University of Southern California. That’s great–it’s one of the best schools in the country! Unfortunately, that makes it tough to get accepted: only 13 percent of applicants are admitted each year. To apply, USC requires you to submit both the Common Application and a school-specific writing supplement designed to â€Å"discover your individual story.† But what does that mean? And how can you make your USCessays stand out from the crowd? We’ve got you covered. This guide will teach you everything you need to know to write an outstanding USC Writing Supplement. We’ll answer all of your questions, including: What is the supplement? What are the questions, and how do I answer them? Are there tips and tricks for knockingyour USC essays out of the park? What steps do I take to finish my USC application? Let’s get started! What Is the USC Supplement? The USC Writing Supplement is an additional part of the USC application that you fill out through the Common App website. The supplement itself consists of two writing prompts (250 words each) and eleven short answer questions (100 characters each). The word limits mean you’ll have to cram a lot of information into a short amount of space. GreatUSC essaysare going to be concise, honest, creative, and engaging. Remember, USC designed the supplement to help admissions counselors get a better sense of your personality. Don’t be afraid to embrace your individuality here! It’s your chance to share aspects of yourself, your life, and your goals that aren’t captured by the Common App. In other words: this is your time to shine. Where Can I Find the USC Supplement? The writing supplement is part of the USC Common Application. Once you've selected USC as one of your colleges, it should pop up in the application portal. If you're not exactly sure how to find it, don't worry...here's a step-by-step guide! Log into the Common App website using your username and password. Click on the â€Å"College Search† tab and search for â€Å"University of Southern California.† Select the search result, then click â€Å"add† to add it to your profile. Return to your dashboard and select the â€Å"University of Southern California.† From there, click on the link titled â€Å"Incomplete† next to the â€Å"Writing Supplement† label at the bottom of the box. You can also access the supplement by clicking on the â€Å"Writing Requirements† tab and clicking the â€Å"Writing Supplement† link. How Do I Answer the USC Essay Prompts? The writing supplement contains two short writing prompts designed to showcase both your writing skills and your personality. But because you’re limited to 250 words, you need to make every word count. Here are some general strategies to keep in mind: #1: Use a Standard Format It’s important that you aren’t wasting precious space. A good strategy is to limit your introduction/thesis statement and your conclusion to one sentence each. That lets you use the rest of the space to answer the prompt. #2: Show, Don't Tell Instead of giving run-of-the-mill answers, use stories and anecdotes to illustrate your point. Paint a picture for your audience when you can! For example, say you’re talking about your love of photography. Instead of saying â€Å"I love to photograph people,† see if you can capture the feeling of taking someone’s picture. A better sentence might read: â€Å"I love trying to capture people’s personality through my camera lens.† The first answer tells us you enjoy photography, but the second response shows us why you love it. #3: Edit, Edit, Edit Don’t be disappointed if your first attempt at answering these prompts goes over the word limit. That’s okay! Keep cutting and revising until you end up with something great. Here are a few examples of how you can edit a sentence to make every word work. Take out wordy phrases.OKAY: â€Å"It was the very best experience of my whole life.†BETTER: â€Å"It was the best experience of my life.†BEST: â€Å"The trip was transformational.† Use the active voice PASSIVE: â€Å"Geology would be my preferred major.† ACTIVE: â€Å"I plan to major in geology." Replace â€Å"is† and â€Å"was† with more descriptive verbs WITH â€Å"IS†: â€Å"Researching cancer treatments is my ultimate career goal.† WITHOUT â€Å"IS†: â€Å"I plan to pursue a career in cancer research.† #4: Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute The USC supplement is short, so it’s tempting to tackle it at the end of the application process. Don’t! Writing short responses is harder than it looks, so give yourself plenty of time. The First USC Essay For your first response, you’ll answer one of three prompts. Keep in mind that no prompt is better than the other, so go with the question that works best. We’ll talk about each question in depth, but here are some tips for choosing the best prompt for you: Pick a question that lets you show a different side of yourself that you haven’t shared yet Choose a topic that allows you to tell a story (remember: paint a picture with your words) Avoid prompts that repeat what you’ve already said in your Common App. The last point is particularly important since one of the writing questions on the Common App asks you to discuss a time when you questioned a belief or idea. It’s basically the same question as the first option below, so if you chose this prompt for your Common App, go with a different option for your writing supplement. How to Answer Essay Option 1 â€Å"USC believes that one learns best when interacting with people of different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Tell us about a time you were exposed to a new idea or when your beliefs were challenged by another point of view. WhatIsThis Question Asking You to Do? This is a question about diversity. USC looks for students who are â€Å"interested in the world, in other peoples and cultures, and enjoy examining important issues from a global perspective.† Your response should embrace USC’s core values by demonstrating your ability to participate in a diverse community. To do this, you should talk about a time you were challenged, not about a time you challenged someone else. This is a tricky, but important, distinction. Make sure you pick a story where you had to reconsider an idea because of someone else’s opinions. How Do You Answer the Question? Tell a story with a central conflict, a climax, and a resolution. Think of a particular moment where someone questioned your beliefs. How did it begin? What did the other person say? How did you react? How did you change? Demonstrate a solid understanding of diversity. Merriam-Webster defines diversity as â€Å"the condition of having or being composed of differing elements, especially the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization.† As you can see from this definition, diversity is about more than race- it also encompasses differences in things like class, culture, gender, nationality, religion, politics, and physical ability. Talk about how your experience changed you. A good way to do this is to pretend this moment is a scene in a television show that you’re directing. How would you describe the event to the actors? What emotions would you ask the actors to portray? Use those details to tell a more complete story. Keep it positive. USC wants students who embrace diversity, so focus on the positives of your experience. Now that you have an idea about what the prompt is asking you to do, here are a few examples to help get you started: You were trying to help a wheelchair user cross the street without asking them if they needed assistance. They explained that using a mobility device doesn’t mean they need help, and they challenged your ideas about disability. Since then, you’ve worked hard to become an ally for people with disabilities. You believed that undocumented illegal immigrants should be deported until you realized that one of your best friends is undocumented. Learning her story- and confronting your own stereotypes about illegal immigration- has made you change your perspective and become passionate about helping undocumented students go to college. That’s why you and your friend organized your city’s first ever march to support immigrants. How to Answer Essay Option 2 â€Å"Describe something outside of your intended academic focus about which you are interested in learning.† WhatIsThis Question Asking You to Do? The admissions committee already knows what your passion is- that’s why you’ve chosen it as your major! Essentially, this question is just asking what else piques your interest. After all...you might want to be a doctor, but medicine isn’t the only thing you love. Also, this prompt wants you to think beyond your degree. For example, if you’re majoring in computer science, don’t talk about learning more about programming. Step outside your comfort zone! The admissions counselors want to see that you’re curious and well-rounded. How Do You Answer the Question? Brainstorm a list of potential topics. Come up with a list of ideas you find fascinating and want to learn more about. If you’re stuck, try jotting down your hobbies. For instance, maybe you’re majoring in business but you play the piano, and you’ve always wanted to learn more about how pianos are made. Connect the topic back to your major...or don’t! There are two ways to approach this question. You can pick an idea that compliments your field of study and explain how the two relate, or you choose a totally different topic to showcase your wide-ranging interests. Neither approach is better than the other, so go the direction that best fits your idea. Explain why you’re interested in this idea. How did this topic first spark your interest? Share a story that captures your â€Å"aha!† moment. For example, maybe you went camping and saw the Milky Way, so now you want to learn about space. Or perhaps you’re vegan, so you’re interested in sustainable agriculture. Telling a story shows the reader your passion, and it might even make them passionate about the subject, too! Address what (if any) study you’ve already done. Have you already dipped your toes into this topic? If so, share a little about what you’ve learned. (If not, that’s okay, too.) Connect your answer back to USC. Even if you aren’t tying your interest back to your major specifically, you should still discuss how going to USC will help you explore your topic. Perhaps USC offers related extracurricular clubs or service organizations you can join. Or maybe it’s USC’s location that’s important- if you’re a movie buff, there’s no better place to learn about film than Los Angeles. How to Answer Essay Option 3 â€Å"What is something about yourself that is essential to understanding you?† WhatIsThis Question Asking You to Do? This is a super open-ended prompt, which can be a blessing and a curse. Essentially, this prompt is saying, â€Å"Tell us something unique about yourself that helps us get to know you.† You have to do more than talk about your tattoo or your love of jazz; you have to tell your reader how that reveals an essential part of who you are. How Do You Answer the Question? Make a list of unique things about yourself. You’re not aiming for the best or craziest or most interesting thing about yourself. There are all sorts of unique things about you! Maybe you can say the alphabet backwards (which shows determination), or you stop to rescue turtles crossing the road (you’re soft-hearted). You don’t have to be an Olympian to have a great story to share. Choose something you didn’t talk about in the Common App. If you focus on a particular personality trait in your other responses, choose something different for this answer. Admission counselors will read your whole application, so try not to repeat yourself. Tell a specific story. Yeah, we know...you’re tired of hearing this. But we’re going to repeat it because it’s what works. Don’t just say you’re unique because you love to dance. Instead, tell your reader about your favorite performance. Explain why this part of you is important to understanding who you are. Explain how your story demonstrates a fundamental part of your personality. For example, maybe you have a scar on your knee from where you jumped off a wall onto your trampoline and missed when you were four. This shows you love adrenaline and enjoy taking risks! Because you can be super creative, there’s a greater risk of missing the mark in this response. Here are some topics/pitfalls to watch out for: Avoid mentioning USC. This prompt is about you! Don’t focus on your family. Again, this prompt is about you! Draw a conclusion. You need to explain how your story reveals a core part of your identity. The SecondUSC Essay Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests at USC. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections. What Is This Question Asking You to Do? No option here: you’re stuck with this prompt and limited to 250 words in your response. But that’s okay, because this is the â€Å"Why USC?† question. (It’s a version of what we call the â€Å"why this college essay† around here.) Why do you need to go to USC to fulfill your dreams? Or put another way: why is USC the only school for you? This means choosing and discussing your major (and your second choice major if your program is very competitive). Remember, you’re not committed to the major you pick. You can change majors after you’ve enrolled. How Do You Answer the Question? Research, research, research. Visit the USC website and get to know your college, department, and the classes they offer. Also, take a close look at your major’s course of study. If you’re going to take classes from other departments, figure out which ones and why. For example, if you’re majoring in international relations and want to work in China, you’ll probably take foreign language/culture courses (like Advanced Modern Chinese) and political science courses (like Chinese Foreign Policy). Research the professors in the department and mention them by name. Seize the day. There’s more to college than going to class. Making the most of USC means getting involved and taking advantage of opportunities like internships and study abroad programs. There are over 100 international fellowships and programs available through different colleges, so be sure to look into them. Mentioning programs like the Global Fellows Internship, available to all students, or the Maymester, which is a major-specific opportunity, shows you’re serious about making the most of your education at USC. Focus on USC. Your job is to show why USC and nowhere else can help you achieve your dreams. Special Engineering and Computer Science Prompts If you’ve decided to major in computer science or engineering, you might have noticed you have a few extra USC essays to write. That’s not a mistake- the Viterbi School of Engineering asks potential engineering students to complete two additional short writing prompts. Not sure how to tackle these questions? Don’t worry...we’ll walk you through the answers. How to Answer Question 1 What do you personally expect to get out of studying engineering or computer science in college? WhatIsThis Question Asking You to Do? This prompt asks you to think about more than your four years at USC; it wants you to consider your future career, too. What does your engineering career look like? What do you want to accomplish? The answers to these questions will shape your response and show that you’re future-focused.How Do You Answer the Question? Mention specific professors and classes. Show that you’ve done your homework and are ready to hit the ground running. Think beyond the classroom. Sure, you want to learn to be an engineer. But knowledge- also known as â€Å"hard skills†- is only one part of what you learn in college. You also make connections with your classmates, figure out how to collaborate on projects, and learn how to think outside the box. These are often called â€Å"soft skills.† Good answers mention both hard and soft skill sets. Consider your community. It’s tempting to focus on how your studies will affect you- after all, the question asks about what â€Å"you personally† want to get out of your degree! But part of USC’s mission is providing public leadership and service. The school wants its students and alumni to take their education and use it to help others. Connecting back to the university’s mission statement means you’re thinking about how you fit into the university’s community and its legacy. Don’t repeat yourself. This prompt is very close to the second short writing prompt we discussed above. By talking about your career and helping others, you’ll keep your answer fresh. How to Answer Question 2 While the world as a whole may be more technologically advanced than ever before, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) has outlined 14 Grand Challenges that engineers should focus on to improve life on the planet. Learn about the Grand Challenges at www.engineeringchallenges.org and tell us which challenge is most important, and why. WhatIsThis Question Asking You to Do? First, go to the National Academy of Engineering website and pick the challenge that resonates most with you. Don’t try to pick â€Å"the best† challenge. All the challenges are equal, so don’t try to guess what the admissions board wants to hear! Honesty is key. This prompt also asks you research and understand your challenge. The National Academy of Engineering website provides in-depth looks at each problem, so start there. (Here’s the write-up explaining why providing access to clean water is important, for example.) Do additional research to see what solutions are on the horizon, too. You also need to argue in favor of your choice. Yep, that’s right: this is a persuasive essay. Your job is to convince the reader- in 250 words!- why the challenge you’ve chosen is most important. Go through your research and pick out the two most convincing pieces of information. This will help you build your argument. How Do You Answer the Question? Jump right in. Use your first sentence or two as your thesis, just like in English class. This helps save space for your argument. Your thesis should be clear, specific, and grab your reader’s attention. Here’s a sample thesis for the â€Å"Make Solar Energy Economical† challenge: â€Å"Solar energy usage has increased 20% in the last 15 years due to lowering costs. Embracing the â€Å"Make Solar Energy Economical† challenge will give more people easy access to clean energy, which will have a major impact on climate change. Show that you’ve thought- and read- about the problem. In order for your response to persuade your reader, it should be well-informed. Use one or two compelling facts to support your point, and paraphrase the information to save space! Don’t bite off more than you can chew. You only have 250 words, so you can’t make a three part argument like you would in an essay. Focus on your most persuasive argument. Make an emotional connection. Appealing to emotions like hope, happiness, and fear have a powerful impact. A good way to do this is by talking about how your challenge will change people’s lives in your conclusion sentence. For instance, if you’re writing about engineering better medicines, talk about the lives your research can save. Image credit: Freddie Alequin The USC Short Answer Questions On the surface, the short answer questions seem simple, but many students find this section the hardest part of the supplement. That’s because these responses are limited to 100 characters or less- shorter than a tweet! Here are some general tips to make tackling the short answer questions a breeze: Maximize the space you have. There is room to elaborate on your answers a bit, and you should. There are no right answers. Admissions counselors don’t have specific responses in mind. This is their way of trying to get to know the person behind the application. You’re more than a major. It’s tempting to make every answer tie into your major or future career in some way. Instead, your answers should capture who you are as a person, and tie them back to your academic goals only if it’s a good fit. Don’t be afraid of a little humor. Embrace being funny, but not at someone else’s expense. (Don’t put people, things, or ideas down in your responses.) Avoid clichà ©s. Keep it tasteful. If you wouldn’t say it to your parents, don’t say it to an admissions counselor! Now that you have some solid strategies, let’s look at each question individually. Questions 1-3: Describe Yourself in Three Words A good way to tackle this question is to ask your friends and family to text you their responses, and look for patterns. For example, if five people say you are nice and caring, combine those into one idea, like â€Å"empathetic.† Adjectives are the most common words to use, but you can pick nouns, too! Just stick to ones with personality (like â€Å"bookworm† if you love to read, or â€Å"shutterbug† if you’re a photographer). Choose words that are highly descriptive (like â€Å"enthusiastic† instead of â€Å"fun†) and avoid clichà ©s if you can. Oh, and the supplement breaks this response into three separate fields, so make sure you don’t type all three words on one line! Here are some sample responses: â€Å"Whimsical, artistic, collaborative† â€Å"Competitive, thoughtful, engaging† â€Å"Loquacious, jovial, encouraging† â€Å"Reserved, compassionate, giving† Question 4: What Is Your Favorite Snack? Here’s a chance to showcase your personality by being specific. Let’s say you love peanut MMs. A specific answer might say, â€Å"Eating peanut MMs while watching a scary movie.† You can also touch on your personal history, especially if you come from a diverse background. You could say something like â€Å"My abuela’s enchiladas† or â€Å"Almond Crush Pocky† as a nod to your heritage. Finally, lean into your weird. We all have strange snacks that somehow hit the spot (we’re looking at you, hot dog buns dunked in hot chocolate). If there’s a bonkers food you enjoy- like hot Cheetos with nacho cheese on top- this is your time to shine. An added bonus? It will definitely make an impression. Here are some sample responses: â€Å"Perfectly toasted marshmallows while sitting around a campfire.† â€Å"A hot dog and soda from Fenway Park.† â€Å"Homemade apple pie with melted cheddar cheese on top!† â€Å"A package of Digestive Biscuits (they’re cookies!) and a glass of milk.† Question 5: Favorite App/Website This is one of the trickier short answer questions. To tackle it, connect your response to one of your interests. If you’re a movie buff, you could mention a movie site. If you love to cook, maybe you mention your favorite food blog. The average person spends about 24 hours a week online, so if you check your browser history, you’ll find a few good options. But whatever you do, don’t pick a website because you think it makes you look smart. Remember: be sincere! (Admissions counselors will be hard pressed to believe anyone’s favorite website is cnn.com.) We also recommend that you avoid mentioning social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat unless they’re pertinent to your major in some way. These responses will be a dime a dozen, and they don’t tell your reader much about you. Here are some sample responses: â€Å"BirthMoviesDeath.com. (I’m a movie buff!)† â€Å"Behance.net because I’m inspired by other people’s creativity.† â€Å"Epicurious.com- cooking is my favorite hobby, and the recipes here are the best.† â€Å"AtlasObscura.com, which is definitely the smartest, strangest place on the web.† Question 6: Best Movie of All Time This question can make applicants anxious because people are passionate about the movies they love...and the movies they love to hate! That’s why we recommend you either give a serious answer or embrace silliness. This goes without saying, but make sure your movie choice is appropriate. If you wouldn’t watch it with your family, don’t list it here. Also, steer clear of any super controversial picks- don’t pick a film that is clearly discriminatory, like Birth of a Nation. Here are some sample responses: Serious: â€Å"Blade Runner because of its influence on sci-fi film.† Serious: â€Å"Saving Private Ryan. It reminds us that war is hard, dangerous, and tragic.† Silly: â€Å"The Lion King. We should all â€Å"hakuna matata† a little more!† Both: â€Å"Legally Blonde- I love stories about women chasing their dreams.† Question 7: Dream Job Obviously, this answer should roughly align with your major. (Don’t say your dream job is to play Aaron Burr in Hamilton if you’re majoring in computer science.) Also, think big and think ahead. For instance, if you’re a computer science major, maybe you want to start a company that develops assistive AI for people with disabilities. Embrace big goals! The more specific you are, the better. Don’t just say you want to be a veterinarian. What kind of animals do you want to work with? Will you specialize in something? Do you want to own your own practice? Adding detail will make your answer stand out. Here are some sample responses: â€Å"A large-animal veterinarian that helps rural farmers care for their livestock.† â€Å"The owner of a non-profit that helps women of color succeed in corporate America.† â€Å"A judge appointed to the U.S. Courts of Appeals.† Question 8: What Is Your Theme Song? Everyone needs a little walk-in music. As you think about yours, choose a song with a title that makes a point. It’s tempting to pick a song with a specific lyric that speaks to you, but your admissions counselor might not be able to make the connection. Think more along the lines of â€Å"I Won’t Back Down† by Tom Petty or â€Å"Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves† by Aretha Franklin and the Eurythmics. Be careful that your song title can’t be misconstrued. â€Å"I’m Too Sexy† by Right Said Fred might seem like a funny choice to you, but it could also come across as cocky or overconfident. Also, keep your choice appropriate. Look through the song lyrics to make sure they aren’t offensive. And whatever you do: don’t say the Trojan Fight Song. That’s probably the most popular- and most clichà ©d- answer. Here are some sample responses: â€Å"Beautiful Day† by U2 â€Å"My Shot† from the Hamilton soundtrack â€Å"Don’t Stop Believin’† by Journey Question 9: Dream Trip There’s no special trick to answering this question. Just be honest and specific! Also, feel free to focus on experiences as well as destinations. Maybe you want to snorkel with stingrays in the Caribbean or visit the Lord of the Rings set locations in New Zealand. Share that here! Here are some sample responses: Letting a lantern go during the Floating Lantern Festival in Thailand. Hiking to the top of Machu Picchu. Driving from California to Illinois on Route 66 with my best friends. Eating paella from a street vendor in Barcelona. Visiting Zimbabwe and bungee jumping off the Victoria Falls Bridge. Question 10: What TV Show Will You Binge Watch Next? This is another question designed to reveal something about you, your likes, and your dislikes. We suggest you pick a show you like as long as it isn’t completely without substance. If you’re having a hard time choosing, try narrowing it down to your favorite genre first. Here are some sample responses: I’ll binge Making a Murderer because I’m interested in how the justice system works (and doesn’t) The Good Place because it combines comedy and philosophy! Friends because it helps you understand interpersonal relationships. I’m binging RuPaul’s Drag Race and learning a lot about drag culture and inclusivity. Question : Place You Are Most Content? We all have a happy place. Close your eyes and imagine the place you’re most at ease. What does it look like? Smell like? Feel like? Use that picture as inspiration for your response, and don’t be afraid to share the descriptive details. Avoid reiterating your community service or extracurricular activities. While you might really enjoy volunteering at your local Boys and Girls Club, it’s probably not the place where you’re most relaxed and comfortable. Here are some sample responses: â€Å"Curled up in bed with a good book.† â€Å"Hiking through the woods with my dog, Lola.† â€Å"Napping in the hammock in my backyard.† Next Steps for Your USC Supplement Even once you’ve finished and submitted your Common App and USC essays, you’re not quite done. Most of USC’s colleges require you to submit additional materials, like portfoliosorwriting samples, before your application is considered complete. Visit the links below to view each college’s supplemental application requirements and submission deadlines: USC School of Architecture Roski School of Art and Design Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation Marshall School of Business (World Bachelor in Business) USC School of Cinematic Arts Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism Kaufman School of Dance Ostrow School of Dentistry (Junior Transfers Only) USC School of Dramatic Arts Viterbi School of Engineering Thornton School of Music USC School of Pharmacy Need Some Extra Help? The USC application process can be overwhelming, but PrepScholar is here help you succeed! Check out our resources below for more information about how our experts can help you achieve your dreams. Haven’t started your Common Application yet? No problem! We’ve got you covered with tips and tricks to make your application stand out from the crowd. Start learning more about USC! Check out their mission statement, admissions website, and this great blog post about getting to know USC without leaving your couch. Still stressed about your supplement? Get in touch with PrepScholar’s college admissions team! Want to write the perfect college application essay? Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Business Performance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Performance - Assignment Example Barclays provides such a service for charities and fundraisers. The goal was therefore to convince Barclays of the publicity and prestige it would gain from helping us. - Find sponsors for the X-Box360, the V3 pink razor and the VIP tickets. Our targets were large electrical companies such as Comet, Currys and Dixons. We will have to bargain and negotiate with them as successfully as possible because obtaining the prizes for free would allow us to save the funds that we have raised. - Marketing the raffle as efficiently as possible in order to raise interest for our cause and seduce the potential participant with the prizes. However, we will need to be careful not to spend an important amount on marketing and not target a too important group. - Distributing the tickets to the target market i.e. the 1.500 students who compose the school. We will need to make the students aware of the cause we are defending to make the cost of a raffle ticket worth spending. Ali was the team leader elected by the members. Unfortunately, he did not show leadership as he did not establish any contingency plan, budget or strategy. He also failed to allocate tasks to other members. As a member he had to research and print advertising flyers. All the team members were asked to pay 20.00 for a total payment of 120.00 for 5000 flyers when the target market was composed of 1500 students. Ali has to work on his communication skills to reach a better understanding within the group and should really consider planning his actions as it resulted that he produced 3 times the flyers needed. Sukhdeep was charged to go negotiate the scheme with Barclays. He only went once to the bank and claimed that it was a success even if there was not written proof of the agreement. He often proposed marvellous ideas which could never be put into practice, he frequently arrived late at our meetings and was very aggressive when selling the tickets. I believe Sukhdeep should be more committed and professional in his work by showing that he can complete the tasks given to him. Also, he should really work on his sales skills. Umer was responsible of the administration work: making memo's to be sent out to all teachers with form classes as reminders, buy raffle ticket books, to set out the proposal that was to be presented to the bank manger and head teacher, which proved to be very important. (sorry but you did not comment on Umer so please could you complete this part as I don't have any information) Tauseef was tasked to create and produce the flyers and posters. Though very optimistic, Tauseef's ideas were not very creative and he was not able to complete his task within a reasonable budget.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Economic assingment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economic assingment - Assignment Example The demands input or resource is determined from the investment for a great or administration that uses the asset. Makers must get a value that takes care of the minor expense of creation. As the cost of the great ascents, makers are ready to create a greater amount of the great despite the fact that there is an expanding minimal expense. This demonstrates that there will be an expanded labor from Latin American market for bananas because of the interest. Nonetheless, assessments and subsidies affect the productivity of delivering a decent. In the event that Latin American market for bananas needs to pay more expenses, the supply bend would movement to the left. Then again, if organizations got a subsidy for delivering decent, they would be eager to provide a greater amount of the great, hence moving the supply curve to the right. A development or change popular happens when there is a substitute amount asked for at everyone expense. This is clear recalling that Propane prices have soar because of the propane lack with costs up near 20 pennies in a month to a national standard of $3.48. Rhode Island has the most-costly propane costs with $4.01 a gallon while Nevada recording least at $1.92 for every gallon. If there is, a lower sum asks for, the investment curve has moved left. Instantly that the investment is high, esteem difference is clear. The requests information or asset is dead set from the speculation for an incredible or organization that uses the benefit. Considering the perspective of the system of generation, we find that if an alternate framework or method of era is made. In any case, appraisals and subsidies influence the interest of carrying a fair. In the case, propane costs go up, and the supply twist would development to the left. On the other hand, if associations got a subsidy for conveying average, they would be willing to give a more noteworthy measure of the extraordinary,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Strategic Management Decisions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Strategic Management Decisions - Assignment Example The rapid sociological changes also contribute to the changing business environments, especially with respect to the entertainment market. Governmental policies and laws also affect where and how firms choose to compete. All these factors affect not only the general competitive environment in which the firm is operating but also the strategic decisions made by companies to combat the competition within the industry. In general the business strategies are based on the firm's ability to capture and convert the external and internal forces into desired outcomes. Thus "an integrated understanding of the external and internal environments in which the firm is operating is essential for the firm to understand the present and predict the future."(S.A. Zahra & Geroge 2002) A firm's external environment can be broadly divided into general, industry and competitor environments. "The general environment is composed of dimensions in the broader society that influence an industry and the firms within it" (L.Fahey 1999). These dimensions can be grouped under the following environmental segments: For formulating strategies to steer the firm through the challenges being posed by these environmental forces, a careful evaluation of the firm's strengths in these areas need to be analysed and for that purpose the 'PESTLE' analysis comes handy. An in-depth analysis of the firm's competitive ability is one ... PESTLE analysis like the PEST analysis involves identifying the political, economical, socio-cultural, technological, legal and environmental influences on an organization. PESTLE analysis is simple, quick and uses the basis key perspectives of an organization. The advantage of this tool can be found in encouraging the management to adopt proactive and structured thinking in its decision making process. 1.3 PESTLE Analysis with respect to Live Entertainment Market in UK: Mintel reports that in spite of the stiff competition from other form of entertainments, live entertainment still holds the centre-spot with 48 percent of the UK adults are in favour of live entertainment and 54 percent of them have attended a live music, a play, a stand-up comedy or karaoke in the past six moths. Even among these the live music is proved to be the most popular type of event. Political: Any changes in the governments would affect the policies relating to rates and taxes on the entertainment business may affect the general growth of the business as being a leisure sector usually subjected to additional tax burden. There may be changes in monetary policies due to political reasons that may result in exchange fluctuations to have an impact on the profitability of Live Nation as Live Nation is basically a non-UK origin entity, Economical: The predictions for the UK economy till the year 2010 are that there will be a continuous growth of 2-3 percent annually in the consumer expenditure despite a slowing down of the economy and the personal disposable income is also expected to increase by 3-4 percent. These two variables have a definite positive impact on the consumers' willingness to spend on leisure activities including live music. The other economic factor that may

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Smog Pollution And Problems It Causes Environmental Sciences Essay

Smog Pollution And Problems It Causes Environmental Sciences Essay Smog pollution is a major problem that this planet is suffering from everyday. It has affected our homes, weather, and health. It is a very dangerous situation for us if we do not do anything about it. Smog pollution is caused by chemicals, automobiles, factories and corporations. The greatest thing we can do as a society is try to find a way to help prevent and stop smog pollution. If the people on this planet do not do anything to stop smog pollution we are going to have a BIG problem and it will hurt us in the future. We need a plan and we need to put a stop to smog pollution. The American Lung Association (ALA) has been trying to find ways to help stop and prevent smog pollution from hurting us and the environment. If we can just do our part and find a way to prevent this problem from getting any bigger, it will benefit us all. We all have heard of smog pollution, but do we really know what it is. Smog pollution has many causes that can be hazardous and dangerous to our health and well being. The term smog pollution is also known as photochemical smog. It is formed by the interaction with sunlight with different types of chemicals in earths atmosphere (Oblack). The main component of smog pollution or photochemical pollution is ozone. Ozone is in the earths stratosphere, which the shields the earth from dangerous UV radiation from the sun. The problem with ozone is when it touches down on the earths surface it can be very dangerous and can cause serious health problems for people on the planet (Oblack). The ground level ozone is made by the emissions of automobiles that put nitrogen oxide into the air, which is caused by the vehicles exhaust fumes (Oblack). The organic components from the fumes combined with the ozone and fume evaporation that combines with sunlight, causes smog pollution on the planet (Oblack). Many people try to find ways to help avoid smog in a more planet friendly environment, so some people use substitutes for their everyday use. There is just one problem with that, and that is the sun. Many people dont understand that sunlight and warm climates cause pollution. For example, places like California, Florida, and Arizona and even North America are some of the most polluted places in the country (Oblack). Another problem that causes an increase in smog pollution is the increased usage of fossil fuels for industrial, heating, and of course transportation purposes (All that smog). Also, cutting down, burning trees, and disposing of agricultural and organic waste can also lead to emissions of smog pollution and harmful problems for the planet (All that Smog). Sunlight mixed with different types of dangerous chemicals (se condary pollution) also makes it difficult to stop smog pollution from occurring on the surface of the planet (All that Smog), which creates another big problem. Climate is a major factor for the cause of smog pollution. Many places in the world can try to be more environmental friendly to help save our planet. Some people ride bicycles instead of driving cars. Other people try to reduce their use of using fire to warm themselves. The only problem that these people cannot get away from is something that they cannot control, and that is the sun. California is ranked in the top 10 most polluted areas in the United States. Ozone pollution that is caused by the sun has a major affect on this planet. Smog and air pollution is having a serious impact on the environment and can condemn all ecosystems (seirraclub). The reason why the sun causes so many problems is because the ozone layer that is supposed to protect planet earth is practically destroyed. Without the protection, the sun is able to shine radiation onto the planet and is the main reason for many health issues that people go through every day. Issues like skin cancer, radiation poisoning, and sun burn are having fatal affects on people. This type of pollution not only harms humans, but it can also harm wild life and the environment. Smog can harm different plants, which can lead to damaging consequences. Because the plants are damaged, it makes it hard for plants to make and save food for themselves in their living environment (seirraclub). In addition, the sun and smog can destroy leaves and plants it would make many of the plants vulnerable to getting diseases. And, they cannot defend themselves from different types of bugs and insects that can cause a huge decrease in plant life (seirraclub). Smog pollution is a yearly problem for places like Texas, Georgia, Florida, and many other southern and sunny parts of the world, but there is also a big increase in smog pollution in the summer (seirraclub). This is caused by strong sunlight that burns the earths surface. However, the one thing that is helping smog pollution is all of the problems that are on this planet. A ll of the power plants, automobile emissions, industrial, and chemical vapors are other causes of pollution (seirraclub). Climate changes are part of the problem as well. Within the months of June, July, and August, it makes it harder to try and control the smog pollution, due to the sun. This planet has gone through billions of years of evolution. It survived dinosaurs, the ice age, and the black plague, but because of smog pollution this planet might not be able to survive this new attack. A major problem smog pollution is causing is health concerns for the public. Smog pollution is affecting human health because it is making it harder to breathe the smog induced air. Because of this and sun radiation, this is resulting in many fatalities, including skin and lung cancer. Peoples lungs and hearts can be dangerously affected by smog and air pollution (Oblack). Many people are still skeptical about smog pollution, but one thing that is known is long term exposure can result in dangerous and even fatal heath affects to people (Oblack). Some of the long term affects caused by exposure to smog pollution are problems breathing, coughing, wheezing, pneumonia, bronchitis, inflammation of the pulmonarys, lung cancer, heart problems, asthma like symptoms, pre mature aging of lungs, and last, but not least, death (Oblack). Smog pollution, even in small doses, can be very dangerous and harmful to all people. The American Lung Association estimated that 48 percent of people in the w orld live with very high levels of smog (seirraclub). Even though exposure to smog is dangerous, there are three types of people who can be severely damaged from smog, which include children, the elderly, and people with respiratory problems (seirraclub). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created the Air Quality Index which lets you check the air density and pollution level around your areas (seirraclub). Furthermore, The Department of Motor vehicles have been trying to develop a plan to reduce vehicle emission and try to improve on air quality for the planet and help save the planet (Malone). The DMV has also been trying to encourage the residents of the United States to help stop smog. They are trying to do their part by asking people to report anyone who has visible exhaust coming out of their automobiles (Malone). If we can all do our fair share and help support this plan we can be able to help stop smog pollution. In all, smog pollution is a major concern for our environment and this planet. If we do not find a way to try and stop smog pollution, we will have many more health problems. Fortunately, there are people who are trying to find ways to stop smog pollution. Many people who are trying to create plans that can help bring this planet back to a healthier state. In 1996, smoking vehicle program was passed that stated that anyone who sees smoking exhaust coming from cars, trucks, or any other motor vehicles were to voluntarily report it to the authorities as a way of preventing polluted air (Malone). It is also there to help educate people about smog pollution and what they can do to help stop it (Malone). The American Lung Association (ALA) also came up with certain help to bring attention to the issue of smog pollution. They advised people to pay more attention to the Air Quality Index (AQI) around their area. They tried to educate people about Ozone action days and how not to ignore them . Finally, ALA attempted to help people get familiar with how smog adversely affects their health (Oblack). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) takes it upon them to check evidence every five years to see whether or not the situation of smog pollution has changed for better or worse (seirraclub). It is very simple to stop smog pollution. We can all use our cars, trucks, and motorcycles, sparingly. We all must try to do our fair share and we must be able to bring awareness to how dangerous the sun can really be. We need to fight back against smog. If we do not do anything about it, this planet and everything on it will suffer. Group against Smog and Pollution (GASP) is a non-profit citizens group in Southwestern Pennsylvania working for a healthy, sustainable environment. GASP was founded in 1969, with a group of volunteers who were worried about air quality issues here in Pennsylvania. GASP has been a diligent watchdog, educator, litigator, and policy-maker on many environment al issues, with a focus on air quality in the Pittsburgh region. Their objective is to teach and enlighten the public about pollution and its remedies. Their Mission Statement is will act to obtain for the residents of Western Pennsylvania clean air, water, and land in order to create a healthy, sustainable environment and quality of life to which we are entitled (Groups against Smog and Pollution.) Obviously GASP is doing their part, but what are we doing as individuals to help?